Monday, 24 September 2012

Small Soldiers

Greetings all, I realised recently that I hadn't shared any of the progress on my Flames of War paratroopers. I certainly haven't forgotten/abandoned them, I only paint 15mm when the yen takes me. But, having made some recent progress on the army I figured time to share!

These guys are the command HQ of my Paras, they're always something of a sod to photograph but you should just be able to make out a bugler and an officer with an umbrella on the nearmost base. The officer's sculpt is based on Carlyle from A Bridge too Far which along with The Longest Day was a major inspiration in choosing to do a parachute company. Carlyle in turn was based on the real life Maj. Digby Tatham-Warter who unlike Carlyle* survived the war umbrella and all.

Just to remind everyone how small these lads are, this is an older shot of Ms. Funnymoney with 3 Platoon.

The other recent addition is this platoon of 6lb anti-tank guns. I've got another two 17lb'ers on the way to really put the wind up Jerry's panzers! The fact that these huge limbers were glider transported at all amazes me.

I really enjoyed painting these, the guns are simplicity itself to paint. A basecoat of Russian Uniform Green provides the correct wartime British hue and then a wash of Athonian Camoshade provided the shading. Athonian Camoshade is a great brown-green and is perfect for a lot of wartime uses,

The artillery crews make good use of the ability of Flames of War bases to create little vignettes. There is a real sense of motion stilled with these guys, one of the better sculpts of this range.

Realising that I simply couldn't use the urban rubble bases on the artillery I just picked out the larger chunks of sand with brick red and grey and to my delight they work quite well alongside the moulded plastic bases. A relief as the urban bases, as mentioned before, are not all they could be and are overpriced for such soft, out of scale castings. I won't be using any more after I've run out of the current crop (which I will in the next platoon) as the simple sand basing looks ace with these guys.

And so here is the whole company so far, essentially it is just the Company HQ, 3 and 4 Platoons and the 6lb'er sections. I've got 5 Platoon on their painting sticks and have ordered the rest of the army. The workometer stands as follows:

So I'm well over half way on this project. I'll have to decide whether I want to expand the army or just sit at 1500 points and do another force, possibly some German forces as an opposing force at Arnham. Possibly carrying on the Canadian XXX corps to relieve them! Anyhow, there will doubtless be more 15mm shenanigans in my future. Might even get a game one of these days!


*Oh and Spoiler Alert, but frankly the film was out in 1977, really should have seen it by now!

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